

Experience the full power of TypeScript inference to boost productivity for your full-stack application.


tRPC allows you to easily build & consume fully typesafe APIs without schemas or code generation.

  • ✅ Well-tested and production ready.
  • 🧙‍♂️ Full static typesafety & autocompletion on the client, for inputs, outputs, and errors.
  • 🐎 Snappy DX - No code generation, run-time bloat, or build pipeline.
  • 🍃 Light - tRPC has zero deps and a tiny client-side footprint.
  • 🐻 Easy to add to your existing brownfield project.
  • 🔋 Batteries included - React.js/Next.js/Express.js/Fastify adapters. (But tRPC is not tied to React, and there are many community adapters for other libraries)
  • 🥃 Subscriptions support.
  • ⚡️ Request batching - requests made at the same time can be automatically combined into one
  • 👀 Quite a few examples in the ./examples-folder