
Content Collections

Transform your content into type-safe data collections


Transform your content into type-safe data collections. Eliminate the need for manual data fetching and parsing. Simply import your content and begin. Built-in validation ensures the accuracy of your data. Preprocess your data before it enters your app.

  • Beautiful DX: Content Collections is designed to provide a pleasurable user experience. It offers a seamless developer experience without the need to restart the server or refresh the browser. Content collections are automatically updated when you make changes to your content.
  • Type-safe: Your content is parsed and validated during the build process, guaranteeing accuracy and currency. Content Collections offers a type-safe API to access your content.
  • Simple to use: No need to manually fetch and parse your content anymore. Just import it and start using Content Collections. It provides a simple API, allowing you to concentrate on building your app.
  • Tansformation: Content Collections allows you to transform your content before it enters your app. You can use it to modify your content, join two collections or even fetch data from a server.